Welcome to bold age: what does it mean to live boldly?

The conversation around aging is changing. And it’s about time. It’s not about growing old. It’s about growing bold. It’s about pursuing forgotten dreams, discovering new passions and exploring exciting possibilities. It’s about challenging those who say “You’re too old for that!” and tackling life head on.
Look at Gene Dykes, who, at age 70, found his talent for long distance running later on in life, and ran his way to a record-breaking time for his age group in the Jacksonville Marathon. Consider Mary Davison who caught the long-distance hiking bug at age 60, and now, at age 77, is adding the American Discovery Trail to her list of hiking accomplishments. In one of her bestselling novels, author Cecelia Ahern wrote, “Age is just a number, not a state of mind or a reason for any type of particular behavior.” These are just two of the many examples of those who live by this motto… and who live boldly.
The fact is, the older we get, the younger we feel. Bruce Horovitz, a 66-year-old freelance journalist, dove into this topic recently in an opinion piece that looked at ‘Why your perception of ‘old’ changes as you age.’ This article offers a first-person perspective of how Horovitz’s own idea of old age changed as he grew from a kid watching his grandmother until now. Like many of us, he is “lousy at sitting still” and spends his time walking his dog, lifting weights and swimming laps in the pool. If that isn’t enough, he also volunteers with several organizations that reflect his personal interests.
A recent study from scholars at Michigan State University (MSU) surveyed over 500,000 people ages 10 to 89, confirming what you probably already know: it’s all about attitude. According to William Chopik, one of the authors of the study, those who say they feel younger actually live longer, healthier lives. Having a positive attitude, while also staying engaged with your health and well-being, is key.
With this in mind, we at ApexHealth want to welcome you to old bold age. Across industries, there are innovative product and services to help people live better as they age. A Medicare Advantage plan should also be innovative. We created ApexHealth to give you the help you need for the life you lead. See where we’re available and let us help you find the perfect Medicare Advantage Plan to suit your needs.
So go ahead: “act your age.” Live life boldly. We’ve got your back.