A bold new approach to your New Year’s resolutions

Setting goals for the new year is a great way to live life boldly! The increased motivation we get around the beginning of the year can help us plan for success all year long. As you consider your goals for the coming year, it’s important to stay inspired by considering different approaches. To help, ApexHealth offers some fresh ideas for your 2023 resolutions!
Try a new approach to common resolutions
When you’re trying to exercise more or eat healthier, there are many ways to help make those resolutions more effective. For example, try setting S.M.A.R.T. goals. Make your goals specific, measurable, achievable, results-driven and timely to help your long-term vision and short-term motivation. Instead of setting a goal like “I want to lose weight this year,” set a goal like, “I will take a 20 minute walk every other day to lose weight.” Get more tips for your health and wellness goals by reading our blog.
Make a new type of resolution
This new year, why not try a new type of resolution? There are many ways you can improve your overall health and live boldly. Try resolving to:
- Get better sleep. Getting at least seven or eight hours of sleep each day can help you stay healthy and alert! Work on building a regular sleep schedule and avoid naps to improve your sleep.
- Keep your brain healthy. Slow the decline in memory and lower your risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia by taking care of your brain. Try brain stumping activities and boost brain health with healthy food and social activities.
- Make an appointment with your primary care provider. Working with a primary care provider (PCP) can help you keep up with health screenings and with managing your prescriptions which leads to better health outcomes overall. Resolve to find a PCP or make an appointment with yours this year!
- Spend more time outside. Spending time outside improves physical and mental health. Outdoor activities can increase life expectancy, improve sleep quality and reduce cancer risk.
- Volunteer in your community. Volunteering is a great way to make a difference and offers mental, physical, cognitive and social benefits for volunteers. Look for opportunities to get involved in your North and South Carolina communities this year!
- Manage stress and improve self-esteem. While stress and low self-esteem are natural, they don’t have to prevent us from living the life we want, as long as we learn positive ways to manage them.
Use your Medicare benefits to make your resolutions a reality
Wondering how to make your resolutions a reality? A Medicare Advantage plan like ApexHealth can help. Medicare Advantage plans offer supplemental benefits to help you improve your overall health. For example, we offer fitness benefits like access to fitness centers, wearable trackers and exercise kits. We also offer ApexExtras to help you get coverage for over-the-counter products, glasses, contacts, hearing aids, chiropractic care, therapeutic massage or acupuncture. And if you need help with transportation to appointments, or additional funds for dental or vision benefits, check out our new Apex PayFlex card.
If you need help accomplishing your goals in 2023, get in touch with our ApexAssistants! They can help you make the most of your benefits, set up appointments and more. Call (844) 279-0508 (TTY: 711) to speak with an ApexAssistant. Our hours of operation are Monday through Friday 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. (local time) from Apr. 1 through Sept. 30 and seven days a week 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. (local time) from Oct. 1 through Mar. 31.